Objection Handling - Not the DM

People say they're not the decision makers (DMs) for two reasons:

  1. They’re not and don’t have the authority to make a purchasing decision, or
  1. as a tactic to avoid a sales conversation (i.e., a brush off).

Prospect, leads lend me your ears

Framework for the Objection:

Before discussing responses, let’s identify the right framework to use to navigate these waters. In my experience (and this is simplified) - outside of DMs and Economic Buyers (EBs) - there are 4 types of actors in any sales cycle:

  1. Champions - people without power to decide, but with a strong motivation to create change. They advocate internally for your product and want to help.
  1. Coaches - someone who won’t push the deal forward internally, but provides inside info and coaches you through their company’s sales process.
  1. Impartials - people not invested in the evaluation and do not care.
  1. Blockers - someone actively preventing the purchase of your solution.

So, when you encounter someone in an org, your first goal is to identify which of the six major roles in a sale they fall into (i.e., DM, EB, Champions, Coaches, Impartial, or Blocker).

When someone says, "I'm not a decision maker" they identified themselves as Impartial. Most of the time, they stand aside simply because it’s not their job duty/project to implement; therefore, they don’t care. Oftentimes, however, your solution will directly affect their role if implemented. So, you want to push them to get  invested in the evaluation.

You do this by asking them for their own input and thoughts on the software, even though they can’t make a decision, so they become emotionally invested in the project.

Responses to NOT the DM:

Sample Response Template 1 - Yes, but it we’ll affect your job (aka you have skin in the game):

  • That’s why I’m calling. Magellan has the biggest impact on IC’s [who do what your software improves] b/c we [inset most impressive value prop] Do you have 30 seconds?
  • Gotcha, out of curiosity do you [thing your product improves]?
  • I see, would it affect you if the org bought [brief synopsis of what your company does]?

Sample Response Template 2 -I hear you, let me qualify your org then ask for an intro (aka point me in the right direction):

  • Got it, so you’re not involved in selecting COMPANY’s [what your product does], but is it safe to assume [qualifying question related to your service/product]?
  • My bad. Out of curiosity, how are [qualifying questions] today?

Goal of Conversation

The goal of engaging the person is to see - based on this company's particular circumstances - whether or not they’re a decent fit. And if they’re ask for an intro to the DM.

But you have to EARN the intro and you do this by getting the other person on the phone to become less impartial to your solution. They become less impartial and more willing to help when they know two things:

  1. This thing you’re selling can help them in their job and company and help them look good.
  2. You’re not a heat seeking a-hole who will bug the DM to no end and make them look bad.

Those squiggly marks are atrocious thought bubbles

You do this by getting them excited about your tech/service. And if someone doesn’t have to pay for it - which they won’t since it’s not their budget – it’s EASY to get them excited about it!

So get them excited, qualify them, and act like GOOD PERSON. The prospect will assume you’ll treat the DM how you treat them. So make them feel good and not pressured, and they’ll assume you’ll do the same for the DM because you WILL!

It’s by answering these two questions in a prospect’s mind that you can substantially increase your chances of being referred to a DM.

And once the prospect refers you to the DM do at least these three things:

  1. mention the person who referred you,
  2. mention some interesting facts you gleaned from the conversation, and why it’s relevant to the DM, and
  3. do 5 - 10 minutes to research to personalize your email to the DM to increase the odds of booking a meeting with them.

These things show the type of  sales person you are. Someone who goes above and beyond in doodling… I mean in all things sales.

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